This is an action thriller movie. In this movie, Eric (Nat Wolff) is a young American backpacker who travels the western part of Norway when he is detained for the accidental and unexplained death of local youth. During his retention, he meets Christine (IbenAkerlie), a young psychologist who tries to understand what really happened. She believes his words and helps him when representatives of the American embassy appear seeking his extradition. On the run, pursued by the authorities of the two countries, Erica finally ends up knowing who, or what is what she really is and how her path is intertwined with ancient Norse mythology.
The story of the movie is not so bad, but the acting is terrible. I mean, the cast is not that much good as this movie requires. The main character of the movie Nat Wolff gives a terrible performance as an actor, at least in this movie, no way he can be the main character in this film. Watch free movie Mortal 2020 afdah online in HD.
There are a few things that I love about this movie is the visual side is amazing, beautiful sceneries. Overall, this is not a perfect movie but it is beautifully done. It could be better. It was not so much better than I was expecting but still, I wasn’t that much disappointed at all. For me, it was an average movie.