Based on the science fiction novel of Stanislaw Lem, the film Ari Folman, over an explosive demonstration of unbridled creative imagination, is a comment on the movie, the sight and modes of production.
Faced with heavy responsibilities towards parents in a sick son, the Robin Wright, after hesitation, signs the contract and leaves active duty. The second, in animated form, part, played 20 years later, focus on a conference showing what is regarded as an innovative evolution in cinema ability, pronounced developments in chemistry, to live each one through the personality of a beloved hero. With clear references to similar gatherings company Apple, the part, characterized by an almost surreal in weaving and unwieldy structure, narrative culminates with the dissolution of the conference and the departure of Robin Wright. The third part tells the story of Robin Wright and relationship with the gravely ill son: a relationship that culminates in tragedy. Watch The Congress 2014 Full Movie Online from safe and virus free connection. Watch Movies Stream Online without any need to download it.
Though the first part of the movie is filmed in traditional ways, is the blending of traditional animation and cinema that gives final tone. Connecting traditional cinema with the real world-and what it entails, ie small or great tragedies of life-the director uses the form of film animation as a clear contrast to the above, namely as a place-flight where reality does not there. At the same time, the blending of traditional film and animation showcases, in the strongest manner, the almost hallucinatory spectacular nature of Hollywood cinema and dangerous and inevitable consequences he has, with his insistence on technological innovation. Poised, sometimes deftly, sometimes not, between fantasy spectacle, reality and illusion, is undoubtedly ambitious direction keeps everything clear target. The movie looks as a bitter in tone, warning of which can lead model of contemporary Hollywood cinema and obsession in sight: the outright rejection of the real world, in-flight escape from him and resorting to a virtual reality, where pain may be absent but the feeling is false and therefore invalid. Dimitris Babas