Third installment of the franchise created by Sylvester Stallone depues The Mercenaries and Mercenaries 2. In Mercenaries 3 Barney , Christmas and the rest of the team face Stone banks Conrad, the man who founded? Mercenaries years before becoming a ruthless arms dealer and Barney had to kill … or so I thought until now. Stonebanks, already dodged death once, has only one goal: to end the Mercenaries, but Barney are other plans and decides it’s best to recruit fresh blood to fight the older generation.
Gather a group composed of younger, faster and more expertise men. The mission, old school versus new school, becomes the most personal battle been fought Mercenaries. Watch The Expendables 3 2014 Movie Online with high quality rips. Watch online free movies without any download it.
Lionsgate has released 16 posters with the protagonists of the film The Expendables 3 (The Expendables 3), film directed by Patrick Hughes script from Katrin Benedikt . The Expendables 3 will arrive in theaters on 15 August 2014.