Title: Dumbo (2019)
Directors: Tim Burton
Writer: Helen Aberson, Ehren Kruger
Stars: Colin Farrell, Michael Keaton, Danny DeVito
The story of a big-eared elephant trying not to fall on her ears turned out not to be that of Gemma Collins appearing in Dancing on Ice, but of the animated Disney classic of 1941, Dumbo, (though the name remains the title the documentary Collins). With the looting of the studio, his catalog of animated films for the production of live action scenes proved to be an extremely lucrative activity. The Jungle Book is getting richer, just like Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella and so many others now, it’s Dumbo’s turn, a movie that many love. The story of the baby elephant with big ears, separated from his mother at the circus, accompanied by a mouse that gives him the courage to overcome his appearance when he discovers he can use his wings to fly is also a warning for Gary Lineker to stay out of the wind.