Title: The incredible adventure of Bella (2019)
Directors: Charles Martin Smith
Writer: W. Bruce Cameron, Cathryn Michon
Stars: Ashley Judd, Jonah Hauer-King, Edward James Olmos
The story of this film shows that Bella (The Dog) and her owner (Lucas) live very happily in their neighborhood. But an obscure law in the United States apparently indicates that the type of dog that Bella is not allowed to belong to a breed because it is a dangerous dog. But Bella is a well-trained and friendly animal that will not hurt anyone. Unfortunately for Bella, an unscrupulous dog inspector has everything for her and goes out of her way to make her grab and drop. The owner decides to send Bella to live far away and takes her to the desert. Bella is baffled by all this and the poor bitch just wants to go home and that’s where her journey begins.