The Legend of the Swordsman Online Movie: Martial arts star Jet Li plays the part of the swordsman Ling Wu Chung, who now turns his back but no longer as at the end of the first part of his Huan-Chan School. As soon as he met with his “little” sister on some former students who already are all reunited and happily plunge one last time in the battle. Currently the Ming dynasty and the war in Japan, some samurai and ninja sold to southern China. Together with the Sun and Moon Medal they want to overthrow the Emperor. Once the Order is headed now no longer the champion of the first part, but by her uncle. The lock has let his brother Wu in the dungeon and the Asia-scroll usurped to become invincible. The price: Slowly he developed for his wife (Brigitte Lin). In this way he or but also the duration drunkard Ling Wu Chung to wrap around her finger. But as the invincible Asia attack the Sun-Moon Master and the disciple of Ling, swears revenge this.But first he must get out of the dungeon Master Wu to have a worthy fellow. The Legend of the Swordsman Online Movie with high quality prints. Now you can watch free movie streaming without create any sign up account.