Title: The Penthouse 2021
Directors: Massimiliano Cerchi
Writer: David Schifter
Stars: Michael Paré, Nicholas Turturro, Krista Grotte Saxon
The Penthouse is a thriller film in Hollywood that is coordinated by Massimiliano Cerchi. The actors who assumed parts in the film are Michael Paré, Nicholas Turturro, Krista Grotte Saxon. In the film, we see a couple (Peter and Amanda) who lives in the Penthouse which is close by to the sea. The sea’s view is extremely obvious from the penthouse and furthermore, the yachts which are standing in marinas are looking beautiful. One day the couple sees that a couple who live in the yachts are continually fighting one another. That couple has criminal connections and their lives are more upsetting when they interfering with each other’s life. Visit here to stream free movies of Hollywood without any charges.