Watch Online The Contract Movie


Watch Online The Contract Movie: Ray (John Cusack) decision in the context of “attracting the family ties” to go camping with his teenage son Chris. Chris namely smoked a joint and because he is a heroin addiction in the eyes of the average righteous, godly baseball dad only one step away, it is time that father and son some “quality time” going to spend and so they decide a few days to go camping in the wilds of Washington State. Soon they encounter a U.S. Marshall that a prisoner named Frank Cordell (Morgan Freeman) has with him. The law enforcement is heavily wounded and calls just before he takes his last breath or Ray ensure wants to wear that Frank is delivered to the authorities. Frank is not just a villain, but a professional assassin and his team is eagerly looking for him. Ray is a former police officer and a gentleman and so decides to take even this command to Frank makes it very clear that there is a team of trained assassins around is to save him. Watch Online The Contract Movie with good audio and video quality. You an watch free movie streaming without create any sign up account.